I love a good scary movie. I’ll watch basically any horror movie, but I’m always looking for the ones that will actually keep me up at night. A horror movie that good doesn’t come along very often.

Lists of Great Horror Movies vs No-Sleep Horror Movies

I noticed when I was trying to find other lists of horror movies that were ultra-scary and insomnia-inducing… I was finding lists of just like generally good horror movies. Or famous horror movies. Not really a condensed list of nightmare fuel. So that’s what this list is. I’m not claiming that these are the best horror movies ever made, but in my opinion, they are some of the movies that will make you think twice about turning off the lights before bed.

Sleep is for the weak, right?

I did find this sort of interesting list from Psychology Today about the stuff that horror movies use to freak us out. Check out the list and think about why your favorite/scariest horror movies get under your skin. Just for fun.

For me, found-footage movies are probably the most likely to make me sleep with the nightlight on. But there are definitely some horror movies that don’t fall into the found-footage category that will still stick with me for a long time. These are some of the scary movies that still haunt me to this day and that I wouldn’t suggest watching if you want a good night’s sleep.

Put on one of these feel-good movies once you’re too freaked out to sleep from watching a movie on this list.

1) Paranormal Activity

This movie may not be considered the most terrifying anymore, but at the time it came out there was a reason that the filmmakers chose to use video of the audience reactions as the promotional material for trailers. Paranormal Activity didn’t invent the found footage genre, but it certainly revived it for the next generation.

The movie was made on a shoestring budget and became an instant hit, cementing its place in horror movie history. The found footage genre, when done right, will always find its way to the top of my creep-out lists due to the extra spookiness of a movie that seems like it’s real life.

2) Paranormal Activity 2

I would argue that eventually, the Paranormal franchise ran away with itself. It’s not surprising that movie studios wanted to keep capitalizing on the success of the first movie, but in my opinion, some of the later sequels lost the magic. That does not apply to the second Paranormal Activity though.

The second Paranormal Activity kept on with the same story as the first, tying in through family members suffering through the same dark forces as the couple from the first movie. It’s got plenty of jump scares and does a great job of still being an interesting watch while still keeping a realistic tone to the hauntings.

3) Lights Out

If you’re afraid of the dark, do not watch Lights Out. It will increase your fears 10 times over. Like Paranormal Activity, Lights Out has a shadow demon monster thing as the big bad. Her name is Diana, and she can’t go into the light, so that’s where you’ll want to stay.

Watching the super-creepy Diana move through rooms as the lights turn on and off will haunt you any time you go to turn the lights out. Plan to sleep with them on for a while!

4) The Descent

The movie that single-handedly bankrupted the cave-diving industry.

Not really. At least not really that I’m aware of, but I wouldn’t be surprised at all. This movie about a group of friends that make the horrible choice to go explore an unmapped cave will stay with you for years to come. If you ever want to go cave diving, don’t watch it. You won’t by the time it’s over.

5) Train to Busan

If zombie movies are your nightmare fuel, watching Train to Busan just might be the best worst choice you’ll even make. The zombies are terrifying. They change fast, they move fast, and they are super-creepy. The choreography for the zombies in this movie is award-worthy.

Most likely to give me the creeps

The story is also really good and you’ll find yourself loving and hating many of the human characters as well. Watch it at your own risk.

6) The Babadook

The Babadook isn’t the scariest movie I’ve ever seen, but to this day I still remember exactly how that voice sounds. What voice, you ask? Watch it and you’ll know exactly what voice. Here’s to hoping you don’t hear it when you’re trying to go to sleep!

7) The Witch

This is a slow-burn and deeply unsettling movie. You need a little patience to get through the slower moments of the puritan setting, but The Witch is one of those movies that can leave you with the heebie-jeebies for a long time.

8) V/H/S

This is another found-footage horror movie that I absolutely love. I didn’t know what to expect when I first watched it but it’s become one of my favorites to rewatch every year or two.

V/H/S is a collection of mini horror stories, all found footage, that are completely different and equally interesting and unsettling.

9) The Human Centipede

I debated adding this one to a list of horror movies that keep you up all night… I’m not sure it’s a perfect fit for that category… BUT at the same time, it’s one of the only horror movies I tell people NOT to watch because you’ll just never be able to forget it. I still remember that feeling after I finished watching it and just realized I would have to live with this movie in my head for the rest of my life.

So in that way, I think it deserves a spot here. I’ll also be the first to tell YOU – don’t watch it.

10) The Exorcism of Emily Rose

One of my favorite horror movies. I do love a good possession/exorcism movie. Demons creep me out and so if a possession movie is done well it gets to me, and I love a good scare when I’m looking for horror movies.

The actress who plays Emily does such a great job with her physicality in this movie, and there’s one scene in particular that made it hard for me to turn the lights off at night. The combination of her facial movement and body contortion makes for a super memorable and creepy horror character.

The movie itself is also really good and is actually based on a true story.